
I don't understand what the fuck were supposed to be feeling about Brody at this point. Where the hell does he find the gall to bitch out everyone for not doing things his way? Does he forget that up until like a week ago he was STILL A TERRORIST? And if it weren't for Carrie's quivering lip he'd be stuck in a secret

I don't understand what the fuck were supposed to be feeling about Brody at this point. Where the hell does he find the gall to bitch out everyone for not doing things his way? Does he forget that up until like a week ago he was STILL A TERRORIST? And if it weren't for Carrie's quivering lip he'd be stuck in a secret

Is there a reason they made up a fake Metro stop (Meridien Hill exists, but there's no Metro stop nearby)? That served absolutely no purpose except to piss me off.

Is there a reason they made up a fake Metro stop (Meridien Hill exists, but there's no Metro stop nearby)? That served absolutely no purpose except to piss me off.

I'd venture that many of the type of people who watch this show live there though.

I'd venture that many of the type of people who watch this show live there though.

I'll be honest, being a DC resident, the fact that the show gets so many things wrong about the city just pisses me off and makes it hard to stomach. I mean, you take so much care in getting the characters right and the inner workings of intelligence, but then you have stupid teenagers spout off lines about going to

I'll be honest, being a DC resident, the fact that the show gets so many things wrong about the city just pisses me off and makes it hard to stomach. I mean, you take so much care in getting the characters right and the inner workings of intelligence, but then you have stupid teenagers spout off lines about going to

I apologize for you not liking me, but seriously, what happened besides people talking a lot and then zombies showing up (which according to some of the comments in this thread, doesn't even matter much for next season)?

I apologize for you not liking me, but seriously, what happened besides people talking a lot and then zombies showing up (which according to some of the comments in this thread, doesn't even matter much for next season)?

This was the first Game of Thrones episode I have ever watched, and that was probably a terrible idea. Of course watching one episode at the end of a show is going to be confusing and largely pointless, but it should still hold up as an hour of drama, no? All I saw was a lot of people talking and talking and….talking.

This was the first Game of Thrones episode I have ever watched, and that was probably a terrible idea. Of course watching one episode at the end of a show is going to be confusing and largely pointless, but it should still hold up as an hour of drama, no? All I saw was a lot of people talking and talking and….talking.