What does Jeff like more-licking donuts or eating apples?
What does Jeff like more-licking donuts or eating apples?
Ok, that's exciting.
It's never too late!
The fact that it happened to a time travel show does lend itself to lots of good jokes.
Timeless has been uncancelled. We have entered a strange new world where the networks aren't even pretending to prioritize ratings.
Guy Fieri's House of Donkey Sauce.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is a must see. It's got an overwhelming amount of art, artifacts, etc. I'd recommend going to their website and picking out a few collections you want to see, then going there and *only* checking those out, otherwise you will either spend several days there or you'll blaze through it too…
Couldn't have figured that out when Galavant and Agent Carter were still on the air…grumble grumble.
The one that came the closest would probably be the end of "The Mountain and the Viper".
Come on baby, daddy needs those Critical Acclaim points!
It's so good it can have a scene scored to "Hallelujah" and it not annoy me. Truly, this is the highest of praise.
Oh, hello there orgy scene. So happy to be watching you at work.
I had forgotten how much I loved Sense8. It's so damn joyful.
The law firm that said that is the 2016 Russia Law Firm of the Year, btw.
Yeah, part of me wishes I could just watch them both for the first time right now, devoid of all the speculation and attempts to "solve" them. I remember reading a lot of TV critics who were surprised when Westworld got the full blown fan-theory treatment because they watched the first few episodes in isolation at TCA…
And now, this.
The stuff that would normally cause insane amounts of uproar hardly registers anymore.
I blame two things, both of which Todd, Loki, and Spy touched on.
And threatening to do away with press briefings, opting for handing out talking points to the press corps instead. Ho hum. Just another Friday.