SG Standard

The children of people in our age range will have SO MANY questions.

Were they already exes by that time?

It's probably Russia's fault.

Don't believe the un-hype.

It has grown up so much since then. I wonder how much of this the developers knew they wanted to do when it was first released?

I doubt they'll even go that far. They risk finding something even if they half ass it. If nobody is holding their feet to the fire, what's the use? Either way, they run the risk of some disgruntled, patriotic public servant going to the press, but I don't think anything will come from Congress itself.

This maaaaaaaaaaay be that one.

Would anybody be interested in doing trivia Saturday night? I've had a game written for a while and no good comes from just sitting on it!

That was amazing.

It is! It is one of those that people will revisit and wonder why it didn't take off. The key to The Grinder is that it is built around how irritating his character is, so it invites you to laugh at something you might otherwise find annoying.

She's great in it, but I've never been a fan of Murphy's direction and that episode is very, very Murphy-esque.

We are, yes.

I have an ACS episode on my list, but it is not "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia".

"Grinder vs. Grinder" was great.

I haven't watched any BoJack, but by all accounts it would have made my list if I had.

I just love how Quentin embraces his weirdness. He is an unrepentant nerd and it is so endearing.

Because it was invisible.

That's the reason it made my list.