SG Standard

Is this the setup to a joke?



A good pair of socks is tough to come by. I have asked for a particular type of socks the past two Christmases for this very reason.


So Frederick Douglass is the administration's token black person. Good to know!

If you can "all lives matter" the Holocaust, you can "all lives matter" anything.

Good looking sock you got there. And cat, I suppose.

Odds that he never heard of Frederick Douglass before some recited that sentence for him?

That would work so well I'm now going to be disappointed when it doesn't happen.

Good dream to have, though.

The fact that they handed out a sheet with background information and a glossary at screenings of the Lynch version will always get a giggle out of me.

Denis Villeneuve is officially directing the new Dune movie.

She's out of town right now so I can't give you the full thing, but these are the high points as I recall them:

3. I Heart Huckabees?

Whenever they do it won't be soon enough.

Awwww poor widdle Donnie's field trip to hang out with motorcycle building badasses who would make him feel like a motorcycle building badass by proxy got ruined!

Do you think education will be a thing in 2019? Other than learning about Dear Leader, I mean.

Spot on with Abrams. I was going to describe 3 as being distinctly Abrams in that whiz-bang kind of way he does so well before deleting it, but you said it better.

A crossover on top of a crossover!