
It is!?  What are the chances?

spooge is a verb, splooge is a noun.

spooge is a verb, splooge is a noun.

"The old “she’s just trying to hard” knock is neutralized by the fact that Schmidt tries to hard at everything."
really? "to hard"?  twice?

"The old “she’s just trying to hard” knock is neutralized by the fact that Schmidt tries to hard at everything."
really? "to hard"?  twice?

Blame it on the Rainn.

Blame it on the Rainn.

also from those commercials: apparently bigfoot has no genitalita which one could suck.

also from those commercials: apparently bigfoot has no genitalita which one could suck.

just realized that Ted had already made the same stupid joke.

just realized that Ted had already made the same stupid joke.

next question

next question

I think you just have a thing for blonds.

I think you just have a thing for blonds.

y'know, if we're reading this review, we've probably watched the episode.  You don't need to re-hash every little plot-point.

y'know, if we're reading this review, we've probably watched the episode.  You don't need to re-hash every little plot-point.

"Nincompoop" but don't ever let me hear you say that word out loud.

"Nincompoop" but don't ever let me hear you say that word out loud.

what's a bookmark?