I think we just all expect sarcasm.
I think we just all expect sarcasm.
I'm old enough to know that U2 was never good.
Soilant* Brown
your mom is so fat that she eats at taco bell. A LOT.
barb-wire tattoos
I wish they would make a "Real World" in like Flint, MI or someplace equally depressing. And they would be forced to work in a factory for 14 hours a day and raise rabbits just so they could have enough food to eat… Something a little more "real."
oh, he'll never learn
if anything, the fact that they routinely generate lists kind of makes them an expert on the subject.
Do you always sign your posts? Are you unaware that your user name appears right above your post, rendering your signoff absolutely useless?
Works Cited?
Isn't there normally a link to the full article? I'm curious to see the most played songs in other genres.
when i was 10 years old, I watched so much "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" that I felt like I actually knew Will Smith personally.
oh, and mom-rock. Every time I hear 'Old-Time Rock n Roll' all I can imagine is middle-aged lady in jeans that come up to her ribs awkwardly "boogeying-down."
Bob Seger is perfect frat-rock.
"there's always a canal"
WHY would it have mattered to Wallace? He was already fired at that point.
As stupid as this seems, a Great Dane actually makes perfect sense to me as a choice to represent teenage awkwardness. Their just so tall and gangly - reminds me of a 15-yr old that just had a growth-spurt.
Steve Dave, will that movie feature an extended and asinine scene wherein Marmaduke's confidants teach her how to lick her crotch like a boy dog?