Also, Nirvana
They're just terrible.
Also, Nirvana
They're just terrible.
A Few Things of Cultural Admiration That I Loathe
E.T. Goddamn, I absolutely hate this movie, start-to-finish.
And I think he likes it.
[Arrested Development quote] something something Mayonegg!
What's All This Aboot Some
Irony-drenched Shrek advertisement? I chortle in glee at the thought!
Where is the Black Dynamite review?
Bronson Will Likely Be
Ha! You're lonesome!
Alas, your efforts are for naught! This is the unfolding of a loss of dignity. I assume within the next three weeks you will be swilling moonshine in an alleyway, mouth agape for fetid beefhammers to procure yourself but a single haypenny. Oh, what a tragedy.
It's been said that in his later days Charles Nelson Reilly had a yen for the meat of vultures. This was never verified, and was officially denounced at the annual meeting of Charles Nelson Reilly historians in Montpierre.
There Is A Small Semblance of Justice in The World
Hotel For Dogs flops, glee in the streets.
Oh-ho! How ribald, Fruity Oaty Bar, to imply homosexuality! What sporting fun!
I wonder about that fear. It may be true, but only time shall tell us if this is so. Do not drive yourself mad in the empty confusion, Magnolia, for it shall not speed the clock.
The world is torn asunder at the loss of its most sacred soft drink, Pepsi Blue. O dear sugar-laden compatriot! You shall be mourned!
[mild racism]
Your opinion is invalid. This is due to the sort of Paul Blart enthusiasm that you portray. Ironic or not, the film gets more exposure because of it. A pox upon you!
I feel as though it puts an excellent cap on the whole trilogy.