
Without actually calculating how many gauss you'd get out of 42 car batteries, the scene worked for me: stuff close to the wall was at the highest velocity, but halfway through the room it wasn't powerful enough to knock over metal shelves. I'm reasonably sure that's *still* not strong enough to wipe a hard drive, but

Seems to me, since both cars were on that not-quite-a-road with spaces for tires, Walt and Jesse were hauling ass to get to Mike's last known location, while Mike was hauling ass to get back to ABQ. No coincidence if there's only one road to and from that hospital. I assumed it was in Mexico, and I assumed crossing

Seems to me, since both cars were on that not-quite-a-road with spaces for tires, Walt and Jesse were hauling ass to get to Mike's last known location, while Mike was hauling ass to get back to ABQ. No coincidence if there's only one road to and from that hospital. I assumed it was in Mexico, and I assumed crossing