Tom Rikers Sideburns

Good question? I thought H.R. just had brain surgery a month or two ago?

Jawbreaker for the win!

Hey, don't forget Officer Dan!

Never been big on Belgian Ales(I do enjoy them occasionally though), so I never really got into Pranqster. But, I'm a huge fan of North Coast Brewing Co. Especially, Old Rasputin!

And 'Only God Forgives' is even better.

The cosplay has not let me down so far!

I've never been a "Ozzy" Sabbath fan, but think the 1st two Dio Sabbath albums are fantastic.

This 37 year old guy agrees! I really need to give Korra another go around though. I really enjoyed it, but I only watched the entire series one time through, and that's when it originally aired(have watched S1 numerous times since it's the only season I own). Avatar, on the other hand, I've rewatched tons of times.

If there's any season you should own(I'm guilty of not owning all the seasons myself), it's S3. It's the best season of the series!

I was watching Mr. Plinkett's review of 'The Force Awakens' last night(brilliant of course), and he used the "bitches leave!" clip a few times throughout. I told myself that I needed to watch me some 'Robocop' again soon. Almost perfect timing.

You really should watch it. It's fucking excellent.

Thanks so much! Have the house to myself this afternoon. Was going to put in another 6 hours of 'Horizon: Zero Dawn', but this has just moved to the top of my "to do list" today. Now, off to the store to grab some beer! It's going to be a good day.


I get where you're coming from, but I think watching every episode the 1st time through is the right thing to do(no matter how terrible it is). Take DS9's 1st season episode, 'If Wishes Were Horses'. I think it's safe to assume that most DS9 die-hards would say this episode is one of S1's weakest eps, and it's safe to

Watch what you ask for Pally!

Don't forget 'Captive Pursuit'! Love me some Tosk. Also, if you're a 1st time viewer, you should really watch all the episodes(well, except 'Profit & Lace'). I'll never understand people who say skip season 1 & 2 of TNG & DS9.

I fucking love that movie.

'Two From The Vault' is one of my go-to records.

I just started playing this for the first time a couple of days ago. Really enjoying it so far. Looking forward to seeing it all the way through.

Well put.