
The real question is…
… if Mann addresses Nancy and Sinatra's midnight trysts in the Lincoln Bedroom. I'd also like to read a bit more about "winning one for the Gipper".

Now it's filled with palindrome numbers.

Karatloz, have you seen Little Shop of Horrors? A pseudo-musical that incredibly manages to be about as close to Rocky Horror as it gets.

@ Bullettoof: Exactly. I think that if musical virtuosity was the bar by which we rank excellent music, than we'd have the 30 year olds that live in their parents' basement and sweep pick / pinch harmonic their way through chord progressions as our idols. Who the fuck wants that? Hammett made his own music. I enjoy

Yup, you got it! I was hoping I wasn't the only one. I'd hate to be accused of racism by claiming that I think all Asians look alike…

Michael Bay…
… is super gay.

Wasn't she…
… Kenneth's fellow page and love interest in an episode of 30 Rock? The one where Tracy and Jack do the celebrity golf tournament in the Hamptons.

Then, of course, you invite the inevitable question of the arch nemesis.

The depends on the available drugs. I had a buddy that went to Coachella solo this year and had a blast, and although he didn't do any drugs, he's a huge My Bloody Valentine fan. So it all depends - if you can front the cash, it might be worth it. Festivals, in my humble opinion, kick ass. So bring a cooler full of

Indeed, what is trendy, Kirk, is that fedora.

"Trickle-down economics is trickling down my leg…"

"If you think my cock's big, wait 'til I put the other leg in."

"And sometimes, he gets the yucky olives from the refrigerator and puts them in his drinks! Gross! Icky!"

And cross-dressing would be "J. Edgar Hoover's Malady".

He's not fucking dead, davezog. Just off the air.

You've covered the hunting; what about the gathering?

This is true. Not to mention the fact that such on screen behavior effectively nixes any would-be Islamic participants…


I liked him in Titanic. Bitches.

"Ferrets? We don't need no stinkin' ferrets!"