
A blink and you'll miss it moment where he said something along the
lines of not being able to connect with people, or boyfriends. I almost
missed it too, it was so quickly and clumsily handled.

Yes, a blink and you'll miss it moment where he said something along the lines of not being able to connect with people, or boyfriends. I almost missed it too, it was so quickly and clumsily handled.

So Rosita dismisses Sasha's plan to snipe from another building because they have to get in close to make sure they do the job. Fair enough. But jeez Louise, Rosita, you're the one who missed Negan from what - 20 feet, tops? How close do you think you're going to need to get?

Best response to the 'microwave/camera' quote I heard: 'Well, of course Kellyanne Conway would say that. Her first camera was an Easy Bake Oven.'

Sometimes, when I'm feeling depressed about the state of things in America, I watch that clip of Fred Rogers in Congress to remind myself that there are good, decent people in the world and that sometimes they win.

I thought the final shot of Ezekiel, Carol, and Richard's little brother was quite lovely. On the surface they look like a family out working in the garden, and I guess in the world of TWD this is as close to a family as you're going to get.

I thought he looked behind him because he heard a creaking noise from within the house (I thought I did), and was checking to see if someone was there.

'I'm a man. And I can change. If I have to. I guess.'

Benjamin got that painting from a restaurant? Man, I'd hate to have eaten there, especially if the food was the same quality as the decor.

Another show that jumped networks is Murdoch Mysteries, which started out in Canada as a CITY show and aired there from 2008 to 2011. Despite good ratings, however, Rogers Media - which owns CITY - decided to cancel it after season five. CBC immediately picked it up, and it's been running there, and doing well, ever

It started on BBC Two, and then in 2009 moved to a channel apparently called Dave, owned by UKTV, which is partly owned by BBC Worldwide. So I guess that technically it changed networks, but remained (to a large extent) a BBC show.

Don't know if this fits, but the highly-acclaimed BBC TV series Ripper Street, which started in 2012 and got excellent ratings during its first season on the Beeb, was then moved to a different time slot during its second season, up against something like I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, and the ratings suffered

It can be two things.

I have a picture of my son and me, in 2002, watching Tom Jackson perform in our very small interior British Columbia town, when the Canadian Pacific Railway's Holiday Train came to town. And - that's all I have to add to this.

I'm glad someone posted on Newswire explaining the new system, because I was wondering what had happened when I couldn't see comments. My reaction was 'What's Disqus fucked up now?'

I wish I could upvote this more, just because I come across so few people who even know what an em or en dash is, let alone how/where to use them.

Well, I didn't add the bit about me climbing over to him, snatching the laser pointer out of his hand,
shoving it down his throat, making him choke to death, then serving 12 years for
second degree murder. I got out early for good behavior, and now I only
watch Netflix.

I was at a screening of Pulp Fiction in England (where I lived when the film came out), and the house was packed. During the trailers some idiot a couple of rows behind me began shining a laser pointer at the screen, and no one said anything. Then he started up again a few minutes into the movie. There was an usher at

Sticks nix hix flix.

It's Shabbat, so Ivanka and/or Jared (aka the least-insane ones close to Trump, and people he might actually listen to) aren't able to stop him.