
He might have actually been a closeted French's-man.

The Frank Grimes of AVC might be a bit more topical.

This movie is such an anomaly in my life. I vividly remember this coming out not through ads but through a friend developing/adopting his conservative viewpoints. We were 13 years old and he vehemently spoke out against Moore and his movie even though no one our age would likely see it. It was so bizarre seeing him

Dubya has taken up painting after his presidency, so that's … something.

I like to think of them as non-canonical one-time characters.

This Is An Intervention, "Great Job, Internet!"

I was actually considering going to the movie but this trailer just spoiled Glover's death (reason #1 I was interested in this) but I feel like I've seen 60% of it now.

Thank you for reminding me the awesomeness that was last years The Worst Band Names. Also damn you for reminding me, I feel a mocking-shaped hole in my heart now.

It's officially on Google Play and Youtube Movies now.

'Fro sho'

The Phantom Menace had a plot?

Don't you mean Be-Jaded?

Interesting Specific Hobby, Internet

I though The Meltdown With Jonah And Kumail already had their premier?

No love for Halt and Catch Fire?

This band is incredibly fun to see live. I'm really tempted to see them again for their fall tour.

Did you just lump Jazz with annoying religiosity and diarrhea-inducing foods?

I laughed during the Tiger Mom segment, but otherwise she was lackin'

I still won't forgive HIMYM's ending for using the The Walkmen's "Heaven."

But you know, he's not wrong in his criticism, although I hate to admit.