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I'd love to see a gateway to geekery on almodovar

Big episode for Red Neckwear (most of the gentlemen's ties, plus Joan's scarf) this week. Obviously there was MLK's killing (powerful for its understatement (in the show)), but the Red Neckwear always precedes a member of the cast leaving. 

no-one made an

Al Green's "I Wanna Hold Your Hand". Soul versions of Beatles' songs take them full circle and back to the source.

A fellow alcohol-injector-takes the edge off, right?

Oh, and, er, Scott left this for you. I don't know what's in it.

she was coy in the linked-to-video as well, but reading between the lines you can surmise something similar. I'm not sure I'd flee to South America to kick a cocaine habit, though

That's where I heard it!

It is?

Recycling Centres, if you wouldn't mind.

say what you like about the realism on this show, but it's great to see a guy can look so good on a constant intake of booze and tobacco-hic!

hey! cartoons! this looks fun

torrented this on monday morning and've watched 3 times, but I still don't detect any skis or DD philandering. The time clocked in at 1h 25 mins for the 2 eps-am I missing something?

also, RIP Bigas Luna, since we seem to be doing that a lot at the moment

and a C grade-who's even seen it? and is it that bad?

2013, dude

Hot Macarenas:

Other comparable figures:

Local Hero is a genuine classic-great director, and Wedge from Star Wars is in it-the man who defeated the Empire!

I love the stakeout in the park; Jez is the cool super-spy, with the binos, reporting back to Mark, sat on the floor, in the most slovenly clothes he ever wore;