
Did you know that this foundation and charity existed before DiMarco's comments? Now you do, and so do I, it sounds like a worthy thing. Nothing shameless about his bringing it up in this context.

I don't even know what that means but the frowny makes me chuckle. Sounds like a comic line from an old Woody Allen film.

AJ's parents and fiancé are still waiting for him in that restaurant. They've gone through all the appetizers and getting antsy.

Yeah, but Hillary had emails.

Joy Reid on Twitter pointed out how multiple stories about this Portland knife-murderer are all speculating about how he's probably mentally ill. Would they do that if he wasn't white? Giving the killer an excuse, right-wing white terrorist acts and hate crimes are always excused.

Yep, all true. What sucks is that the NY Observer was once a great smart funny cosmopolitan newspaper, even its listings had a sardonic edge. It started around the same time as the late great Spy magazine, it was noted for it's salmon-colored paper and they had a fine stable of writers and they did some good

Lol, pretty badass! Oh, those thieving Spaniards..

So you've read her books and have a keen sense of what it was like to be a sexy young well- read LA native adventuress who slept with dozens of stars and knew everyone in that time and era.. they're her opinions and reminiscences. Why is that so difficult to stand for you? Perhaps I overstated it- her

That last paragraph was pretty moving. RIP Gregg.

Ah, I see, apologies. I misunderstood. Yeah, Breitbart failed in France, I don't think anything they do in Germany will make a dent in September, because they're this dumb incompetent organization. Here, they used to ride Drudge's coattails- interestingly, Drudge has stopped linking to them. In Germany, I'm not

Sometimes a creator's children run away from home and want nothing to do with their dad. This is the case, I also read that he thinks it should be "jif", but even he is wrong. G as in "graphic", not "jraphic". And if a fucking evil moron like Paul Ryan is saying "jif", it's an absolute indication that the

Not Germany, places like 55 Savushkina Street in St. Petersburg, Russia. It's an industry.

I really don't like some of the spin tonight giving Jared Kushner the benefit of the doubt, that he was somehow naive. No, what he is is fucking filthy , indebted to the Russians, and possibly a traitor. He's not naive, he's an amoral greedhead like the rest of the Trump crime family. He knew exactly what he was

Was reading today though, the EPA was the creation of a Democratic Congress- Nixon just signed the bill when it got to his desk. Which is great that he did, of course. Other than that, he didn't have much to do with it.

And he used to fuck Grace Jones, which is impressive.

And the thousands of Kremlin bots and trolls flooding the place with misinformation in the comments during the election have left- their mission accomplished.

Or they could click two channels over and see CNN and MSNBC blowing up with Trump/Russia bombshells on the regular, while Fox News is raging about the fascism of campus liberals or some dumb distraction. Even Fox viewers aren't that dense to not know something is going on that Fox refuses to tell them about, or

Okay, I thought I was having a stroke- it was Jonathan Demme who died recently, not David Lynch. Whew, got it. Duh, me.

Yikes. When I was a 13 year old in 1982 or so, I got The New Mutants graphic novel and subscribed to the series. There were some interesting characters, like the Native American girl shouting at Charles Xavier that he was a stupid Anglo who didn't understand. And the red-headed Scottish girl, who was a depressive

My experiences with psilocybin mushrooms have been positive and life-enhancing. They're not party drugs though, and I have intense reservations and warnings to young people who might be tempted. If a person really wants to do it, please do it in a safe space ( I say this with complete awareness of how right-wing