YES! Safe European Home and Death or Glory are their best in my humble opinion
YES! Safe European Home and Death or Glory are their best in my humble opinion
YES! Safe European Home and Death or Glory are their best in my humble opinion
I feel your pain… However, lets rejoice in the fact that we're getting all the movies before the US now.
I feel your pain… However, lets rejoice in the fact that we're getting all the movies before the US now.
I'm only speculating really so you could be right… The Cold Winds Rising teaser trailer definitely has three horns blowing though at the end.
I'm only speculating really so you could be right… The Cold Winds Rising teaser trailer definitely has three horns blowing though at the end.
Wait! I have electrons in me… Does this mean I've finally found my Pappy?
Wait! I have electrons in me… Does this mean I've finally found my Pappy?
Well I enjoy it and that's all that matters for me
Well I enjoy it and that's all that matters for me
The guy on the right strikes fear into the very depths of my soul for some reason… On the other hand, man on left wrote the Lemon Tree episode of the Simpsons and therefore is a stand up guy in my eyes.
The guy on the right strikes fear into the very depths of my soul for some reason… On the other hand, man on left wrote the Lemon Tree episode of the Simpsons and therefore is a stand up guy in my eyes.
My opinion on what scenes they could shuffle into episode 10 from Storm of Swords would be the start of the Others/ Wight attack on the Nights Watch. I think hearing the three horn blasts and a cut to black would be an effective cliffhanger to end on. Also, I'm pretty sure one of…
My opinion on what scenes they could shuffle into episode 10 from Storm of Swords would be the start of the Others/ Wight attack on the Nights Watch. I think hearing the three horn blasts and a cut to black would be an effective cliffhanger to end on. Also, I'm pretty sure one of…
That's my abiding hope for the blockbusters this year… Knock Avatar down a peg or two. However the problem is that almost everyone who saw Avatar paid for 3D whereas people going to see the Avengers are going to be far more divided in that regard.
That's my abiding hope for the blockbusters this year… Knock Avatar down a peg or two. However the problem is that almost everyone who saw Avatar paid for 3D whereas people going to see the Avengers are going to be far more divided in that regard.
I had a look and it's mainly composed of "So his wife is a lesbian now?" and "OH WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!"
Will Neil Gaiman come along with her to my house? Cause that changes everything…
Oh, I'm far too important to consider the rabble of Internet users my peers. No, my peers include Prince Charles, Joseph Kony, former President George HW Bush, the Dalai Lama and formerly Colonel Gaddafi (RIP my dear friend).