Everyone in the Blue Collar alliance (other than Dan and Rodney) is probably thinking, "Final three with Dan and Rodney? No way I can lose that vote!" I mean, you could say literally anything and those two would make a worse impression to the jury.
Everyone in the Blue Collar alliance (other than Dan and Rodney) is probably thinking, "Final three with Dan and Rodney? No way I can lose that vote!" I mean, you could say literally anything and those two would make a worse impression to the jury.
So, the first tribal council of the Merica Tribe involves vote suppression?
I think Will heavily believed in the Rodney/Kelly/Carolyn/Will foursome. Certainly there were more potential cracks in that four than the No Collar four, although upon examination there were so many cracks that it didn't even exist in the first place.
I wonder at what point will be it even easier to just write a program that scores all possible 4-person combinations and see which one does the best?
Hockey comedy? That's every time the Leafs play, am I right?
Are we to believe that Ellie was playing some sort of… magic xylophone or something?
Without Cranky Bob, we'd never have gotten "You've used the one twice, Joy!"
Can we also add "Best Actor Nominated Just So Famous People from MOvies Attend the Ceremony"? Don Cheadle, Maggie Smith, everyone in True Detective, etc.
It wouldn't be that bad if Rodney had said something like, "I play around but I want to settle down with a girl who's old-fashioned." Even though it's asymmetrical relationship, it'd only be HIS hypothetical relationship. When he says something like "Girls oughtta X even though boys can be Y", that's applying a…
I don't know if I agree on the vote-splitting. Idols are dangerous! I do think Blue Collar could've done a better job pulling Sierra back in, though. "Lindsey was bringing you down; we only voted for you in the split because we thought you were close, etc." As soon as Dan (I think) said "We wanted to make sure none of…
Well, I think so!
I guess the contemporary equivalent is Community… and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
It's not just Samara's code, though, it's an Asari code. Remember what Officer Dara said? "If a justicar kills an Asari none of us questions it." And she couldn't bring up a human equivalent - it's a belief so fundamental that we don't really have one in our culture.
Speaking of Ultima, I played Ultima VI on both a computer with and without a sound card. When you had a sound card and camped with a bard, "Stones" would start playing, but it was the same version of "Stones" that occasionally made an appearance as background music. Without the sound card, you got a nice chirpy ditty…
Door hinge?
Dear President of the Federation, there are too many planets nowadays. Please eliminate three. P.S. I am not a crackpot.
His biggest accomplishment in the last 3 years is dating Victoria Azarenka.
Hali, Kelly, Mike, Sierra
Thanks again for organizing this wonderful contest!
I usually pick assuming one tribe will dominate, but I just can't help but bet on the law student on a No Collar tribe.
That's crazy casting. Carmen Sandiego can't be a grandmother.
"I just thought maybe we might be kindred spirits."
"My only interests are drinking wine and judging people."
"Then I was right!"