Stingo the Bandana Origami Pro

When I was little, my father was famous. He was the greatest samurai in the empire, and he was the shogun's decapitator. He cut off the heads of 131 lords. It was a bad time for the empire. The shogun just stayed inside his castle and he never came out. People said his brain was infected by devils. My father would

The Returned

Scrubs was one of my first too, along with Veronica Mars and Lost. Good stuff.

Or The Last Boy Scout.

Wouldn't "veni veni veni" be more appropriate in this case?

I got what you might call "a bit of an eyeful"!

I don't think it's much of a stretch to put it up there with Born to Run and Darkness.

Which is your favorite medium out of film/TV/books/music/video games, and what particular work started your interest in it?


I got a pretty good laugh out of "Did grunge really matter?" Easily one of the most blatant click-baits I've seen around here.

Arguably the best, too.

He had a cameo in the intro scene. It looked like the right Ahnold.

Actually this was the best episode since the first and had some nice little directoral touches to it. I wouldn't be opposed to Schwarzenegger doing an encore sometime.

I never meta humor I didn't like!

The director of this Tales from the Crypt episode is Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's the most horrifying thing to happen on the show yet.

Arrow is CW

roobles > Rolling Stone and it's not even close

I'll admit, I'm not overly familiar with all his work because I don't like him in general. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case.

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