No, they for sure do. I saw one of Shini's posts earlier as it was being edited. Not sure why I made it sound like I wasn't positive that's what happens.
Huh. I thought edits showed up automatically, without needing refreshment. Maybe that only works for the text that's immediately visible, not the "inner workings" stuff like what's inside < > tags.
It's there; I corrected it after Tereglith pointed out the issue. Is it still not working for people? Because it's opening up just fine for me.
Hot Dog Water :(
Weird. The link should've been working now.
Thanks. One of these days I'm gonna remember that if I copy a link from Facebook I need to add in http:// at the beginning.
Oh, this episode's actually directed by The Great Outdoors' director. That explains that.
Isn't it? They do a great job of using the events of the S1 finale to not just shake the story up a little bit, but actually mature each and every one of the main characters permanently for the rest of the show. Daphne is the best example of that; after watching S2 she's practically unrecognizable in the early days of…
The laugh track subsides noticeably after a handful of episodes and IIRC goes away completely come season 2.
Wow, Goodwin just showed up and he is really young. This is weird.
I hadn't noticed it until just now, but they do look quite similar.
"Hippie" is a nickname, and nicknames are for friends, and hipsters are no friends of mine!
The pawnshop owner is the guy who's been struck by lightning s-s-s-six-six-six-six-sixty-six times in-in-in-in-in the head in The Great Outdoors!
Lea Thompson is in this episode of Tales from the Crypt and she looks and sounds like Tina Fey doing a really really terrible Noo Yawk accent. Something tells me this one's not gonna be a stand-out.
There's a pet store near me called Fish and Chirps.
Yeah, Vancouver's got dirty fucking feet.
You sat down to pee on the bed?