
"Take responsibility." So, you're insinuating that Lynch is a racist? I don't think there was the same sensitivity to "yellowface" in 1991 as there is 25 years later, but OK. You think Lynch should come out and apologize? He's already said, "Season 2 sucked." Not enough for you? What exactly are you looking for here?

I guess Lynch is responsible for a subplot when he wasn't even involved in the show at that point? An Asian woman who is forced to wear a maid outfit…by another woman. Also, not Lynch's storyline. And speaking of points, what exactly is yours? Lynch is a racist? He lacks diversity, and is therefore an inferior

Note I said 18 hour movie. I think you might be better served thinking of it as that than a conventional series. That's how he filmed it, and he cut it up into hours to serve the TV viewing format.

So you've made this assessment about an 18 hour Lynch movie only a third of the way through it? It's kind of like walking out of or giving up Mulholland Dr after 50 minutes.

It sounds almost *exactly* the same as the reactions to FWWM. The biggest complaint was that the film lacked the humor and lovable characters of the series. The film had humor (mostly in the first 40 minutes) and while there were a few lovable characters, most were nowhere to be found, with one entirely recast. I

One of the co-writers of Fire Walk With Me said the original script (it was supposed to be a trilogy, and I think we're getting much of what Lynch intended for that) called for an ending involving a planet made of creamed corn. So, there's that.

Buenes Aires was in The Missing Pieces. That wasn't its first appearance.

Well, let's not hope that is true. Because if it'd been up to Lynch, the latter would've never been revealed.

After I posted that, I thought: someone will think I am serious. Yes, complete and total sarcasm. I am loving every bit of this season.

See? I told you it didn't feel that long to me!

She does the harder stuff. Like heroin. And her dad.

Yes. And what the fuck is wrong with a fluffernutter. It's sweet, salty, and satisfying.

Yet you keep watching. You apparently never saw Inland Empire, because this is very disciplined compared to that. And *that* is like watching a nightmare. This viewer will continue watching. In fact, except for last night's, I've watched all the episodes multiple times.

Free reign. Call his bluff.

1) Not needless. We don't know where that's going. Larger plotline.
2) I laughed. I needed to laugh yesterday.
3) So…Diane is which, A or B?

I'm a dad, and it was super-tough. But I found it had real emotional impact and found myself tearing up. It with the flame rising up, it's obviously leading someplace.

Was the yellow face his choice? I'm not sure he was very involved in those episodes.

Please don't get pissed. In all likelihood, he did not. I think there's a small chance he did. But I think it's more likely that there's some footage leftover from FWWM. Each credits sequence acknowledges MK2 for FWWM, which means we'll be seeing something from that movie. We already saw Briggs say "Blue Rose" and I

I noticed this. I can't seem to figure a connection.

It will happen at some point. Maybe.