
Yeah, the way Weaver made that same "deer in headlights" look throughout the film. She was fantastic! BRAVO!





"Here's what's happening in your neck of the euuuugghnnnn…."

No kidding. I mean, did you see FUN SIZE? What a fucking masterpiece.

True. He regrets that scene. However, I don't see the "rape" here. She's being attacked by a tree. That's it. In the original, we literally see the branch going into her crotch and subsequent groans. No indication here that they are doing that again. Not yet, anyway.


What the guy below me said. Zombie's HALLOWEEN has all sorts of problems. HALLOWEEN II is bold, different, and what I think he originally had in mind. A lot of people have tuned it out because they hated the first one so much, but I think it stands alone as a great horror  movie. (I just *knew* bringing it up would

Eh. I don't know. There's a lot that is shot-for-shot, and whereas Carpenter's THE THING really changes things up from the original, aside from making Barbara a bad-ass, the new one really doesn't do much that is different. All the characters are basically the same, and with the exception of Barbara, they all have

Paul Stanley is way, way too busy combing his chest hair.



I hated PART 2 when I first saw it as a kid. But after a friend told me years later that it was intended to be comedy, I revisited and have since done a 180. It's absolutely horror-comedy the same way RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD is, and it's grown to be a cult fave. Hooper knew there was no way he could match the

I hated PART 2 when I first saw it as a kid. But after a friend told me years later that it was intended to be comedy, I revisited and have since done a 180. It's absolutely horror-comedy the same way RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD is, and it's grown to be a cult fave. Hooper knew there was no way he could match the

I'm an asshole for bringing up a typical confusion? Settle down, Chief.

I'm an asshole for bringing up a typical confusion? Settle down, Chief.

Very relieved as I first thought this was news of the death of Brian Dennehy. Phew.

Very relieved as I first thought this was news of the death of Brian Dennehy. Phew.