


Oddly enough, I feel the exact same about Paul Ryan and P90X. While I disagree with his politics, I do respect his willingness to BRING IT!

Oddly enough, I feel the exact same about Paul Ryan and P90X. While I disagree with his politics, I do respect his willingness to BRING IT!

Could not agree more. I sat at work really disgusted with it yesterday having listened to it Monday and first hearing it Sunday night. I put on the headphones last night and listened one last time, and it suddenly clicked. It's pretty fantastic. Like you said, not perfect, but I don't think they have a perfect album.

Could not agree more. I sat at work really disgusted with it yesterday having listened to it Monday and first hearing it Sunday night. I put on the headphones last night and listened one last time, and it suddenly clicked. It's pretty fantastic. Like you said, not perfect, but I don't think they have a perfect album.

Only if it's legitimate rape.

Only if it's legitimate rape.

Count me in as one of the few people excited about this. George Miller's been wanting to do this for a very long time, and I think Tom Hardy as Max has the potential to be positively bad ass. Also, Charlize will be bald.

Count me in as one of the few people excited about this. George Miller's been wanting to do this for a very long time, and I think Tom Hardy as Max has the potential to be positively bad ass. Also, Charlize will be bald.

He was Zombie Jason's first victim. Fun fact.

He was Zombie Jason's first victim. Fun fact.

Never watched THREADS except bits and pieces on YouTube. Seemed frightening, but not as. I know that it focuses more on the aftermath aspect, right? In any case, it can't be more frightening for me than THE DAY AFTER simply because I watched it as a little kid and warped my little mind. If I'd seen THREADS instead,

Never watched THREADS except bits and pieces on YouTube. Seemed frightening, but not as. I know that it focuses more on the aftermath aspect, right? In any case, it can't be more frightening for me than THE DAY AFTER simply because I watched it as a little kid and warped my little mind. If I'd seen THREADS instead,

RED DAWN has always been cheesy shit. Commies parachuting onto US soil. Yeah, verrrrrrrry plausible. If they're looking for a redux of something alarmist, remake THE DAY AFTER. That was an actual scary fucking movie from the 80s.

RED DAWN has always been cheesy shit. Commies parachuting onto US soil. Yeah, verrrrrrrry plausible. If they're looking for a redux of something alarmist, remake THE DAY AFTER. That was an actual scary fucking movie from the 80s.

You didn't get the whole "you're either with us or you're with the terrorists"/rigged elections/dictatorship/"This is how democracy ends…with rousing applause" obviousness in REVENGE OF THE SITH? The whole rise of Palpatine/Darth Sidious is an obvious wink at the Bush Administration. One of the characters is named

You didn't get the whole "you're either with us or you're with the terrorists"/rigged elections/dictatorship/"This is how democracy ends…with rousing applause" obviousness in REVENGE OF THE SITH? The whole rise of Palpatine/Darth Sidious is an obvious wink at the Bush Administration. One of the characters is named

Or that "the most elite team of scientists" in future Earth act like a bunch inbred ho-down morons. One of the scientists in PROMETHEUS had a built-in bong in his spacesuit.  I mean, I suppose at the rate humanity is going, it's possible that the scientists of the future are going down an IDIOCRACY-esque path, but

Or that "the most elite team of scientists" in future Earth act like a bunch inbred ho-down morons. One of the scientists in PROMETHEUS had a built-in bong in his spacesuit.  I mean, I suppose at the rate humanity is going, it's possible that the scientists of the future are going down an IDIOCRACY-esque path, but