Spiffy the Splendiforous

In the books it was actually a gene that would hop and skip around and pop up for no apparent reason and there wasn't anyway for Sookie to lose her powers.  Still it made roughly as much sense as the show in it's own special way.  Also, Jason was already off being a half werepanther because full weres have to be born.

It may not help Game of Thrones withdrawal but it is doing wonders for my American Horror story withdrawal.

His man-ass is old news at this point, been there seen that.  I demand new and exciting man-ass and I do not think that is asking too much from True Blood.

Although to give the show more credit than it deserves, I think Jason's sudden hatred of vampires was implied to be caused by the super old dancey-fairy lady last season when Jason got hit by a spell meant to Rusell.

Carrie raises a good point why is Nora still around, she's kind of dead weight story-wise.  Is she just a hold out from last season to get tragically killed halfway through.

I can't believe they put the scene where Arya just misses out on seeing her mother and Robb again in the episode where Jon just misses seeing Bran and Rickon.  Both scenes killed me in the book because the characters were so close and in some cases had no idea.

Except for Wallis (Willis, "ser-not-appearing-in-this-show) who ended up crippled because he was the only intelligent man in the family.  The Tyrell's get strength or smarts, never both

She'll have twin boys and one will magically be Ned's and then Sansa won't be the heir and she can be free and happy.

I feel like they might be setting her up to be a spy, the way she was looking at the dead little boys was a little off.  Like she was sad they were dead but she knew them before the war.

The less you know about Qyburn the better, I forgot he showed up in this book for the first time and whimpered a little bit when I heard the name.

I thought it was pretty obvious he was a spy but Loras isn't exactly one of the more clever Tyrells

If murder santa shows up I will be a very happy camper; also Pepper, she can be patchface

yeah except every-time man ass shows up my mother feels compelled to comment on the quality of said man ass, I'm starting to develope a pavlovian response of cringing to man-ass, and there's a new season of American Horror Story in like six months!

here here, he drowned and stayed drowned and it was very sad but considerably less creepy

the disjointing rock outros are one of True Bloods few remaining good qualities

Yeah I remember reading the whole Reek reveal section several times, still having no idea what the fuck just happened, shrugging and figuring that if it was really important everything would be clarified later.

I spent the whole Kit segment waiting for Grace to ax someone so I was surprised when it was Alma.  That being said is random heart stopping a thing or are we to assume it was aliens; because now I'm getting paranoid.

Omg they killed Peppa! those bastards!

I for one intend to try that line on my bf just to see what would happen

Well this season was mommy issues, last season was baby mama issues, maybe next season he will be his own mother?  It's really the only logical answer