Anonymous AV Club Coward

Threads is worth watching, if only for Karen Meagher's brilliant performance as Ruth. Seriously, she pulls off one of the best transitions from pre- to post-apocalyptic acting style you will ever see. It's really not that bad if you're familiar with the grim tone of British "social realism" films.

The thing that makes the movie brilliant is the fact that Tim Burton put all his love into it, it was a personal statement. The relationship between Wood and Bela Lugosi was a mirror for the relationship that Burton got to have with Vincent Price.

Oh I never said there weren't counter-examples. Paul's "The Night Before" is one of my favorites, mainly because it describes a situation that's happened to me, and every other guy on the planet, at least once. :)

I think the case can be made that "Run For Your Life" was John's way of saying he was done with songs about male/female relationships that were either cute/happy or melancholy/bittersweet. It's not a particularly clever observation to note that Rubber Soul had two songs - Nowhere Man and The Word, that were not

The LAPD cop played by America Ferrera in End of Watch. If they had given her any more screen time she would have stolen the movie.

She gets a name check in the 1963 Christmas message, which is the basis for the title. I mean, I know you know this…

Outland was definitely ahead of it's time. I mean, if I were to imagine what being intoxicated on Polydichloric Euthimal would feel like, I'd guess a potent cocktail of ecstasy and crystal meth.This scene was always my favorite. It comes from a time when we were more optimistic about technology and its ability to help

It's been done. John Leslie and Annette Haven were in it, and there was even a cameo by Johnnie Keyes because one of the customer's fantasies was to re-enact Behind the Green Door.

Since Jane Alexander also appeared in Terminator: Salvation, I retroactively assumed the nuclear war in Testament was caused by Skynet.

Staying Alive is tolerable in retrospect because of Cynthia Rhodes, the movie captured her at her peak (along with Runaway a year later), she embodied everything it meant to be a hottie by the standards of the 80's…  You have to admit this scene has a certain charm to it:

I'm still on the fence about John DiMaggio's portrayal of Steve Ballmer. He made Ballmer look like a decent, reasonable person who you would actually want to hang out with. I just don't see how you start there and end up here…

How come no one's said anything about Hal Douglas yet?

This thing is epic…

I think it's sad that I had to look elsewhere for the context on this. I can't tell if the review is being straightforward or ironic. If the Brony phenomenon has legit cultural relevance there should be a "Gateway to Geekery" about it.

Yep, I had that same thought. Nicely spotted.

I agree about Annette Haven, but wish Arcadia Lake had been active for more years.

I was disappointed in that movie.  I mean, what if Skynet sent back a cyborg with genetically engineered DNA to impregnate Sarah Connor in place of Kyle Reese - sort of like Demon Seed but with time travel mixed in. That would have been an interesting premise for a movie, although it probably would have ended up as

You forgot to mention her longstanding affiliation with Devo.

The fact that the movie becomes more bleak and introspective as it moves into the third act was done on purpose. The point of the movie is that these women attempt to form friendships but they unravel because the toxic environment can't sustain them, so there is an air of quiet desperation followed by petty and meager

I want to see the version where he ambushes those Nausicaan fucks and gives them the payback they deserve. If the episode turns into a morality play about vengeance that's fine by me.