Violetta Glass

I quite like Poe as well-meaning and sadly ineffectual. In the books he comes across as more ineffectual and officious with next to no redeeming features (part of it is his unwillingness to ever believe the children and his willingness to believe ill of them).

Beyond that though, he has less in his life than the Baudelaires because he is unlikely to form meaningful and lasting relationships while being so awful ;-) Loved that look on NPH's face when Olaf was alone.

I do like how the books deal with this question of "what if life keeps getting worse and worse?" It's very rare to see that explored in a nuanced and interesting way in a young adult/children's book series (usually they revolve around children defeating oppressive forces eventually even if there's often a cost) and I

I definitely prefer fewer episodes of better quality. I quite liked My Name is Earl at the time (though it has aged very badly) and it had some clever writing and high concept episodes but 20+ episodes with that premise was way too many for one season.

It would look more natural if it looked messy but secure but god forbid anyone on TV in a drama look recognisably human ;-)

I loved this last episode although I could have used a verse less of the song. I love that shot of Count Olaf's natural expression while he's alone. It makes the phrase "hell is myself" spring to mind ;-)

I like Sunny in the later books because there's a sort of subtle suggestion going on that because she's gone through all this as a baby/toddler, she's particularly warped by it. In fact by The End, it's not that subtle at all.

Redheads are out :-(

To me this is where the tone of the books comes in. It's like a gothic fairytale so Olaf is a killer and is frightening because it seems he can't be truly shaken off but I don't think it works any more as a family series if he's written to be a genuinely menacing kind of threat hurting the children in some sort of

It didn't jump out at me but then when I got into New Who I watched a load of Classic Who which put the goodness of recent special effects into their proper perspective ;-) Sunny wasn't a five year old or made out of papier mache at any point……

Or a mortal enemy Sherlock keeps overestimating. The enemy is just doing the obvious but Sherlock thinks it's a quadruple bluff or something.

Specifically Klaus is happy to leave the workers to their fate ;-)

I forget the specifics but I really enjoyed the Snicket interludes in these last couple of episodes. Warburton's delivery rocks. I'm looking forward to/hoping they keep in a detail from a future book where he talks about being "asked to lower his sobs".

"Lemony Snicket, understated to the last."

I think Esme can be charismatic. She's like some skewed type A stereotype or something. I always liked that line about an article about Esme asking "how she does it".

Yeah, maybe I just have unresolved issues with blondes ;-)

It's in the books as well, if I remember rightly. There's a line in The Beatrice Letters that suggests more than a work partnership…..

Violet's commitment to justice is admirable.

I picture Esme as a blonde for some reason even though I can't remember reading she was.

What's with the Will Arnett thing by the way?