Violetta Glass

Takes all types :-) I'm sure lots of them do good work, I just miss the comedians being on it because that was more my speed. I know he's run out of comedians to talk to practically ;-)

Also I think I've discovered Harmontown and become a bit disillusioned with it all in a few days. It seems a bit like enabling on a grand scale….

Mine seems to work still so maybe it's just Disqus being flaky on you? I've had multi-day spells of that several times in the last few years.

Note to self: listen to Joel McHale YMIW.

I love Marc Maron but I don't love/particularly know the work of a lot of these ageing American icons so well, that he's had on recently ;-)

I haven't been able to keep up with all my podcasts since I stopped temping ;-) They were good comfort food and a source of entertainment during my between temp jobs unemployment spells.

I have to be in the right headspace for the Mental Illness Happy Hour and sometimes I wish some of the guests would extend more empathy and compassion to people in their lives (not always obviously, if they have been abused by some unrepentant asshole for instance).

Children being involved is why I don't enjoy it ;-)

I'm not from 1910 but the postcard picture is quite like various playgrounds here I played in from the times when architects/planners saw no problems with having monkey bars six foot off the concrete ;-)

Heh ;-)

Good luck.

I get Lorelai running away at 17 but she wasn't very kind with regard to some of their attempts to help later on. I do like it in S6 when Lorelai steps in and makes Rory and the Gilmores talk to one another though so they don't have another multi-year family schism.

I just have to finish my last few episodes of Lady Dynamite first! ;-)

I really and truly never ever mind about spoilers. I like seeing how writing/shows/books/plays execute plots not the plots themselves if that makes sense.

Thanks for this Will :-)

Nothing, your list was perfect (please don't hurt me).

I love this news :-) I miss Jon.

My friend isn't leaving because of money. She's leaving because of months of gossip and a bad feeling in the company. Basically some long-term staff got fed up of not being listened to and went to work somewhere else. The management really resented this and sort of implied they had left under a cloud when they didn't

I love the Oliver/Colbert team up. Also it's good John Oliver is on a different night to Weiner as that would have been awkward ;-)

We have contracts! But most people especially now, don't want to work in the same dreary office their entire lives.