Doralee Rhodes


it cracks me up that you've made this point twelve times on this page and yet no one cares.

well done.

they don't even care about them. they care about the idea of them.

Alfred Molina.

short for Changstein.

I loved Sisters, too, but I think that's because I'm obligated to love anything Tina Fey stars in.

which, inexplicably, they raved about.

no, it is awful. c'mon, Primal Scream fan. don't like shit like How to Be Single.

plus, he said it himself: he personally knows almost everyone in the movie. how are you gonna tell your friends their new movie sucks?

hot take!

watch them all. at least all of the cornetto trilogy.


this. this makes me seethe with anger.

we are so fucked as a nation.

it's too bad this happened after they produced two children.

now all we need is a rock, an eagle, and Charlie.

yep. who else was walking around last year, practically saying "I'm an untrustworthy liar whom you should stay far away from"? who could that be…

I took note of that, too. good tension-builder.
