Doralee Rhodes

they really are the worst.

totally get that; just wish it could have been executed better. better song, different genre perhaps. eh. still a great episode.

I'm over here giggling in tears because it's only now occurred to me how remarkable it is that an unassuming four word post like "wtf is starz lol" has endured all these years. the variations brighten my day and never get old.

I write songs for the people who do
Jobs in towns that I'd never move to

"I'm writing it.." *pantomimes writing on a pad of paper*

two words: RAW BALL

I wholeheartedly approve!

I can't, for familial reasons.

"Set it to 3.5 MPH and put some ballpark fatties on those rollers..cooks up real nice."

also also: Tovah Feldshuh's arms. damn, lady.

also: Darryl and Maya call each other M-Dog and D-Money. Governor LePage was good for ONE THING.

oh, I know. what you described makes perfect sense. I just find storylines that revolve around kids utterly reductive and terrible.

agreed. Darryl is a treasure.

I snort-laughed so loudly at "get woke, Becks!" that I think I scared my neighbor.

eh, it was worth it for the sly look he gave Darryl at the end of the dentist waiting room scene. dude is the textbook definition of devilishly handsome. sweet jesus.

yup. easily.

please, no kids. they're a show-killer.

it's such a bright spot in a dreary time. WE NEED THIS SHOW

lots of dudes are. and even some girls.