Doralee Rhodes


I doubt Desi is going to display those books there. that was simply his curt response to Marnie's criticism of his stupid design choices.

merchant fees.

points. miles. that kind of stuff.

yeah, his cantankerous old man in a millennial's body shtick is getting really, really tired.

yeah, I started to worry that Elijah was being used for some unknown purpose of Dill's. that kiss was passionate, yes, but also seemed very showy and deliberate.

google the phrases cultural appropriation and fashion industry and feast your eyes on the hundreds of thinkpieces written about the intersection of the two.

I just can't believe the shit-fit being thrown about these fucking earrings. it's not like Ilana parades around with a native american headdress on.
moreover, the entire fashion industry was built on and continues to trade in cultural appropriation. that's kind of its thing.

how is it a problem? Ilana is a hipster brooklynite. can she not wear them ironically?

if that's a chance a girl is willing to take, then sure. but if you don't want naked photos of yourself on a boy's phone, then you probably shouldn't send them in the first place.

seriously. she was wholly inconsequential to this show. the scenes of her learning the trade from Kalinda were nice, but she left no discernible impression on me. she's not the only character the writers have just abandoned so I can't understand why people continue to ask this stupid fucking question.

oh my god I can't even with this

I chuckled when the camera panned up and through the vent to reveal that Eli was listening to the maintenance men. I also loved how they distorted the audio during the interrogation scenes to replicate what Eli was hearing. then when the maintenance men "appeared" in the courtroom to muddle things further, I guffawed.

huh? if you don't want your nude photos on some guy's phone, don't send them to him.

so what should he have done, exactly? recuse himself from that review and find someone somewhere on the AVC staff who at one time may have interacted meaningfully with a disabled/deaf person?

it's almost like you're two different people with two vastly different life experiences.

agreed. at least the act of smoking *looks* cool. vaping just makes you look ridiculous.

I laughed most heartily at Phil and Gigi's plans for the vape shop. it was the perfect confluence of the gist of that comedy bit, and what vape shops are really like. I don't smoke but my friends all do, and most of them vape. we are constantly going to the vape shop and each visit I opt to wait in the car rather than

she, like Gina from B99, is living her life out loud.

Reince Priebus and Wayne LaPierre, two of the most powerful men in the GOP.