Doralee Rhodes

mbs, Lynskey's the mom with the baby in the bar. Witherspoon's line in that scene is quoted relentlessly by my female friends.

yes, I can still remember the Vanity Fair cover with Josh Lucas in faded blue jeans inside a dusty barn, or something. they said he was the next Matthew McConaughy. never quite reached that level of fame, but I like Josh Lucas and enjoy his films very much. that he's such a thoughtful and articulate interviewee makes

man, I said it further upthread but it bears repeating: that man just isn't good-looking enough to be an action star. no looks, no charisma.

I hate to be the one to state the obvious, but Jeremy Renner just isn't that good looking. he just doesn't have the face of a bona-fide action star.

I just google image searched her. holy shit, you aren't kidding.

if that's Michael Rappaport up there, then that photo manages to capture two of my most hated actors in one frame. well done.

yeah, the songs aren't the appeal. anyone can lip-sync to a song. it's the tv and movie dialog clips that make the app fun. my friends and I have spent our entire adult lives quoting famous (and obscure) lines from our favourite tv shows and movies, so this app amuses us greatly.

I noticed that disparity as well.

god, this is such a true statement.

can I just say that I love, love, LOVE Steve Coogan.

two things I seemed to notice from Richard Lewis' cameo:
1. he looked very heavily made-up
2. he looked very amused to the point of breaking after delivering his lines


well, shit. now I HAVE to see Grey Gardens.


Protocol! Wildcats! Overboard!

the spitting in the face was priceless. jarring, to be sure, but after it happened I thought about it for one second and thought, "yeah, that's entirely appropriate here."

I cannot like this comment enough.

