Doralee Rhodes

I'm still partial to #FOMO as the best episode of TV I've watched all year.

isn't Ariana Grande a computer simulation anyway?

this is why I don't understand the yelling out a car window thing. I live in a solidly backward, obese midwestern state where noone walks anywhere. I live two miles from my office so I walk that distance every day for exercise. I'm the only one on the street, so I suppose I'm an anomaly. and every other day, a truck

exactly. each time this subject comes up in my life I'm unable to articulate exactly why it's so offensive. but "donning the mask of female servitude" is a great phrase. thank you.

trust me. it'll blow. your. mind.

yes, and the people who've never done any drugs, or who think caffeine qualifies as one, should not have been allowed to participate.

when I get pissed off about something at work, at times I'll yell this out, and anyone near me thinks I've gone completely crazy.

get over it.

Art's casual beard becomes him. I'm actually starting to think he's handsome.

I'm convinced that was fan service.

still streets ahead of ChumHum.

also the scumbag boyfriend of Elizabeth Shue in Adventures in Babysitting.

they let anybody write here, nowadays.

or The Good Wife.

Paul Stanley gave a serious interview while lying in a bed full of hookers, for pete's sake.


I feel that Laura isn't, but Lara totally is.

no kidding. it's a television show. there must be some expediency with respect to certain plotpoints. you might as well watch Law & Order and say, "hey…isn't it a BIT suspicious they solved that murder in exactly 60 minutes??"

he'll always be the villain in Dave to me.

ah, of course. how am I not surprised you're a conservative.