Doralee Rhodes

YES. this. Paige's "Wedding Story" special was the most melodramatic POS I've ever seen. it's no surprise that both she and her husband are in theater. they're both overemoting, all the time.


yeah, but c'mon. that theater husband? totally gay.

oh, please. it's the AV Club. half the articles on here aren't worth the time it takes to read them.

Wayne was such a bitchy queen. I hated him and was so glad they replaced him with Clinton.

yeah, that was one of the first episodes. the owners made some crack about Beteljuice living there, with all the harlequin diamonds and stripes painted on the walls. they were appalled, and rightly so.

yeah, but he was fine. he had that rakish, mischievous thing going on and I wanted to bone him.

yes, Frank was the worst. and the cast knew it, too. in the Key West episode, Ty made a joke about throwing something Frank made in a dumpster.

I still think she and Doug were in cahoots to see who could piss the homeowners off more. remember their all black/all white rooms?

because she's an idiot.

if you can't make sense of the court proceedings, for whatever reason, they're going to exclude you. period.

I just burned through all five seasons. the music cues really pick up around season 5. around that time lots of original tunes start standing in for theme and character emotion.

Kalinda did what she did because the sympathetic juror with the hearing disorder was dismissed, which effectively ruined their case.

just chiming in to say I know, right?

but would you write it down, and then be so careless as to allow your daughter to take it to school and show her teachers while you were running a heated campaign for Illinois State's Attorney? Alicia's naivete regarding campaign matters is really irksome and out of character, considering she's a political wife.

I just burned through all five seasons, and indeed; in one episode he declares that he never raises his voice.

agreed. he was fascinating as an ASA in season 2. great acting chops.

indeed. Louis Canning even asked her to stop working for Diane on the side and become a salaried employee of the firm, but she refused.

agreed. the entire campaign storyline is most unwelcome. it is the least interesting thing about this show, now.

you realize that age gives you wisdom, right?