Doralee Rhodes

I always understood laying pipe to mean taking a shit. regardless, perhaps the article would have been better served with the phrase "laying the groundwork."

yep. way to fuck it up, AVC reviewers.

they're almost always bad. I challenge you to read the first three paragraphs of last week's Mad Men review and not punch your computer screen.

agreed. I logged in just to say that AJ's comment was more insightful than the verbal diarrhea that was the actual review.

hells bells, Trudy!

yes! yes! this. after a few moments I realized, "holy shit; that's Charles Grodin," and then I immediately became very sad. I guess I always expected him to be one of those people who never ages, like Dick Clark.

his face. his entire face.

I have a soft spot for Dan, but that's just because he's freaking gorgeous.


he sabotaged her work with the Rosemary's baby commercial. took the wind out of her sails when he told them it was the dead guy's idea. then he drove a wedge between her and Ted. he's meddling with her professional life and personal life, because he's a dick. she has a right to be pissed.

I just thought it was to create suspense: will Don get his job back, or won't he?

internet comment boards are hardly social interaction.

there's this thing called google. it may help.


one of the recent Inside Amy Schumer episodes parodies that last scene in Working Girl and the Carly Simon song. there's an original piece of music that overtly references secretaries and getting coffee, and the music shares that soaring, uplifting quality. I chuckled.

now put your hands up (hands up)

oh, man. I didn't even catch that!

it's a riff on Gloria Steinem: "If men could get pregnant, abortions would be available at every 7-11."

exactly. which is what I meant to say a few comments upthread.

to paraphrase Stan, suck it up, chief.