Doralee Rhodes

"This seems to be the case when his 9/11 theories become progressively
more insane and when he eventually declared himself the Messiah and then
began to cross-dress and live as a woman with the name "Delores Kane'."


you're the roommate, aren't you?

oh my god. thank you, sir. I've had a crush on PFT for years and seeing this performance makes my unrequited love just that much more painful and tragic. but in a good way.

I always thought the opening of "Nobody Does it Better" sounded like the jingle to an oatmeal cookie commercial. very un-Bond-like.

yes! a meaningless reply from a third party!

yes, @avclub-15e574c74b73e267a90cdf3947185302:disqus, we get it. boobies. they gave you sustenance until the woman attached to them was found dead in a bathtub.

yes. this. it's a fucking DNA lab, so naturally they're going to let some bimbo coat every surface with the smoke of burnt incense. jesus fucking christ.

next, try Guns, Germs, and Steel. different author, but similar premise. much worse-tasting, however.

I'm withholding that honor, simply because I imagine that "This is gonna be the song that defines a whole era!" is exactly what Don McLean was thinking when he wrote it.

look down. look out. look around.

no way, man. the Bowie/Jagger version was everything the OP said it was, plus a pathetic attempt at cashing in on making a lame, half-assed cover of a beloved sixties hit. and I say that as a huge Stones fan. I don't particularly care for Van Halen, but damn if their version isn't catchy. I love its hot and sweaty

pips are the dots on dice.

I think I recall an interview Squire did about a decade after that song  came out in which he expressed genuine embarrassment at the way he carried on in that video.

hah! I've been scrolling through the comments to find anyone else who thinks the only reason this article exists is so the author could write that atrocious sentence.

I lost my shit once I got to the shooting lasers out of his dick part. seriously, I laughed my ass off. well done.

in all fairness, she ordered the burrito to-go. so I guess she planned on eating it later.

as much as it disappoints me, I think he is. at the end Vogel was throwing out all the brain trophies she was sent, presumably by him, communicating a sense of finality; i.e., "thank god all that's over."

@avclub-08492e6975b03597bd4f8659b650362b:disqus: "This is no way to teach accounting!!"

don't forget "Chemistry"!