Doralee Rhodes

you're a moron.

so many likes.

implied; not inferred.

I'm in full agreement with you. I was hoping Don would die by season's end. I thought it would be cool for the protagonist of a show to die before the series ended; as far as I know that's never been done before. then the final season could be all about how those closest to him are coping and moving on without him.

insightful commentary.

I love that she was implying that Roger doesn't really care to socialize with people who don't drink.

liked for joke and username.

I agree with you. I've read everything I can find on the finale and all of them are referring to "the look" Sally gives to Don. oh, the acting! so much conveyed by such a young actor! it was just a look. and not a very convincing one.

yeah. we saw it during the "previously on Mad Men" montage.

agreed that she acted bratty and spoiled, but I did love her line, "what does it take to get on the list of women you give money to?" ouch.

I too thought the original pitch was awful and bland. glad I'm not the only one.

something a whore does for money.

that's it; take it all.

yep. bizarre and utterly wrong.

I know I did.

ewwwwww. also, funny.

yes. this. I mentioned this on the other avc article about Bob Benson. he doesn't slam it; rather, he gingerly closes it, masterfully conveying just how satisfied he is, knowing Pete's about to humiliate himself. it's a small, subtle detail, but it says so much.

Since last I spoke and you listened…


seriously. re-watch the finale and notice how Bob gingerly shuts the car door after Pete climbs in the Chevy. it's such a simple gesture, but he executes it in a way that perfectly conveys how self-satisfied he is knowing what's about to happen.