Doralee Rhodes

in that case, I think you're barking up the wrong tree, buddy.

Bob tells Pete that his well-being is an interest of his. what an odd and totally creepy word choice. if I were Pete I'd be immediately suspicious…but it's possible Pete is so self-centered he expects people to be fawning over him like that.

Harry eating everything and demanding the advent of in flight entertainment = GOLD

two men enter; one man leaves.

exactly. by loving him (i.e., attending to his every need, being a devoted spouse, etc.) you simply earn his scorn.

@avclub-8a1c882768760c8e996715653ff5c7cb:disqus this comment, sadly, hits close to home and is all too true.

bahahaha I can't like this enough. Duck is so slimy. I grimace each time he's on screen.

I thought Harry's "are you suddenly dumber than Peggy?" was a bit harsh and mean.

@avclub-ea091ca6d4f474a765f3777597b384f8:disqus this comment made my morning. well done.

get it, girl.

elsewhere in the comments someone makes a K.N.I.F.E.G.R.A.B. reference. synergy!

@avclub-5833ab3542dfd68e2bf6585b6bb110c0:disqus: he's the AT&T of people.

oh, I think he's definitely curious about Roger showing up. I just think he's not going to pry and tip his hand. plus, to needle Joan about her relationship with Roger would be rude and ungentlemanly.

Bob has a thigh gap to rival that of any supermodel.

yep. I cheered Betty when she spoke up. and booed Henry for saying it wasn't the time nor place for that conversation. like hell it wasn't.

the doctors say he'll never golf again.

eh, if you've seen one of Megan's A-line minidresses, you've seen them all.

not to sound like a prick, but nothing's changed with the kids themselves between then and now. they have the same capabilities these days as they had back then. it's just that kids today are too coddled and infantilized.

indeed. now if the rest of us could just get y'all to shut up about it, already.

give it to us, Betty.