Doralee Rhodes

go to Cnet and search for the download.

@avclub-1f5b519cde67ac0d0fcab419aa3048a4:disqus: lots of Greek and Vietnamese.

all aboard the Swayze Train!

so as a rule, your rule is meaningless.

heaven is smoking a joint and then setting out on my bike as the opening chords of "Slow Night So Long" bleed through my earphones.

for what it's worth, I think growing up in Talihina, Oklahoma counts as "dead-end rural youth."

hyperbole aside, I wholeheartedly agree with this takedown of the review. it seems every week people are using the Portlandia review space to write essays dissecting our nostalgia for the '90s. enough.

really? I control-f these comments and find not one Soapdish mention?

"I'm all for making the world better for our children, but not for our children's children, because I don't think that children should be having sex."
— Jack Handey

oh, man. I didn't even get the full extent of the Knob Kardashian joke until just now, when I saw typed out. I was just laughing at the ridiculous name, and how "knob" is a pejorative term for a moron. but yes - Knob. it's also spelled with a K. awesome. (does that make me a knob?)

what was funny about this episode (aside from the actual jokes) is that I just finished the Hunger Games trilogy, so when Jenna referred to PETA my first thought was Peeta Mellark. then he got a shout-out later! funny. but probably only to me.

I have to add to this thread simply to say that Louis CK is definitely NOT sexy. he's a comedy badass and I get that some chicks may find his dad-with-two-daughters sensibility attractive, but he is objectively ugly. there are no two ways around it.

oh, give me a break. Seth MacFarlane is perfectly, objectively good looking. symmetrical face, nice straight white teeth, tall, deep voice, well dressed. he's like the Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt of the comedy world. that is to say, even if Cruise and Pitt aren't your cup of tea, you can still easily see why chicks like

and if so, can I get a tattoo of that?

it's nice to see that someone else is a fan of We Love Life. that album seems to get no love from critics or other Pulp fans, but I think it's great.

yes, yes. the cue card reading is just awful and takes me right out of the sketch (skit?) each time.

I get tired of coming here only to read comments from people who live in or are from Portland saying this show doesn't accurately portray its residents. then you go a little further up your own ass and claim the show doesn't accurately portray hipsters. you know what? it does. I live in middle America; flyover

yeah, I'll give that a like.

if it's any consolation, man, I fucking loved this episode, too.

indeed! I read the trilogy over the space of two weeks and just finished it three days ago. I am so excited for the movie in March.