Doralee Rhodes

yeah, the current rhetoric has softened somewhat, now that the religious right has its influential Palins and Bachmanns to exalt. but when I was growing up in Tulsa, Oklahoma I'd watch preachers on religious channels address the gender issue, usually as how it relates to the care of the household, and they'd speak

calm down. I never said I rejected it. I enjoyed the episode.

it's an unpopular opinion, but I respect it and share it somewhat. no, it's not appreciated to make light of what the troops are enduring in that part of the world…but lionizing soldiers occupying another country for ambiguously nefarious political reasons makes me ill.

yes! there's a good example. the terribly lazy, unfunny reliance on reinforcing gender stereotypes - but in a gentle yet still condescending way.

this has all happened before. and will happen again.

exactly. not a lot of humour to be mined from a Christian standpoint. also, showing someone a duck is not an exclusively Christian way to behave. stupid, stupid cheerleader.

I must be un-American because I muted the television both times he sang. seriously, I can't stand that shit.

is it exclusively Christian to show someone a duck? sorry, but my militant atheism is hard to control when confronted with easily offended idiots like that cheerleader.

inevitably when I sit down to watch Louie I'm eating something. and I always regret it because the first thing I hear as I bite into my meal is some joke about shitting or farting or his mangy dick-and-balls or some such. don't get me wrong; I grew up with two brothers and am therefore nearly inured to that kind of