
I started watching the show after Scream came out, and just because i used to think that Neve Campbell was the most beautiful woman alive.

Mia Farrow is just brilliant in it, probably her best performance ever.

you can burn it, you know?

I've been to Aruba, Jamaica, Bermuda and Bahamas, but not Kokomo.

The thing is i'm reading the recaps here, and people comment about how much they cry, and i think fucking pussies man. Then i got to this episode, and those scenes, and damn what is this on my eye.

Shit i hope i'm not spoiling you, very solid show, it declines a bit in the second season, but still worth watching.

So i'm finally watching Friday Night Lights, i just saw The son from the 4th season, damn man, that gotta be one of the best tv episodes of all time. I cried when Matt Sarracen broke down at the taylor's house, and the cried again at the end. How come Zach Gifford is not the biggest star in Hollywood right now?

Being from Venezuela, I'm one of the weirdos that don't watch Soap Operas, but from what i heard Brazilians one are really high quality, and lately the Colombian ones are supposed to be pretty good too.

I don´t know is an article written by a book reader, who is telling us to stick with the series, because justice might come.

I meant spoilers about the future of the series.

that´s the episode that made me quit The Simpsons.

This feels like a fucking spoiler

Hey i used to watch that when i was little, i don´t remember anything about it, but the music of the credits remind me.

you know what they called Paul Feing in high school? and it was because a teacher misspronounced his last name.

8 MM is one of the worst films i have ever seen, and i know some people who thought Batman Forever was the best of the non Nolan batman's.

Is he out of the closet for real? he always gave me a huge gay vibe, but i remember someone posting in aintitcoolnews defending his supposed straight sexuality, claiming he/she was a friend of his wife, who died or got killed or something.

you just have to send in questions, he answered my question about which song was the most air guitared song of all time.

i don´t remember The Avengers, but Iron man 2 opened in my country a week before USA.

I really hated Williams character, i don´t thini i could watch the movie again.

and none of that songs are in my ipod.