
Ebert hated it.

I like woman to go after me, i'm really shy is the only way i know they are into me.

all you people who complain about Signs, maybe the aliens didn't know what water was.

Seth Macfarlane just had to make a Hitler joke, i don´t think i'll watch the Oscars this year, if this guy was so annoying in the nominations, i can´t imagine how it will be in a 3 hours or so show.

The french choice for best movie was untouchables, so Holy Motors couldn´t be nominated.

sneed rhymes with feed and seed, guess which words that start with the same letters rhyme with Chuck.

The Wire.

The Wire.

Thanks for spoiling me Boardwalk Empire, i'm in Venezuela and 3 episodes behind.

Thanks for spoiling me Boardwalk Empire, i'm in Venezuela and 3 episodes behind.

They wanted to nominate Matthew McConaughey for best supporting actor, but they couldn´t spell the name.

They wanted to nominate Matthew McConaughey for best supporting actor, but they couldn´t spell the name.

is that Olivia Newton-John or Meg Ryan?

is that Olivia Newton-John or Meg Ryan?

don't you count as full jew if your mother is jew?

don't you count as full jew if your mother is jew?

I found the Meatballs 4 thing interesting, do you know if that is a common thing in development? can you make an Inventory about those "not really sequels" sequels?

I found the Meatballs 4 thing interesting, do you know if that is a common thing in development? can you make an Inventory about those "not really sequels" sequels?

Wait a minute your kind not only knew how to write when she was 3 but actually wrote plays? WOW, her IQ must be around 200.

Wait a minute your kind not only knew how to write when she was 3 but actually wrote plays? WOW, her IQ must be around 200.