Claudia Kishi BSC V-P

No you need someone you can share with like doing that arm wrap thing so its ROMANTIC toothpaste by candlelite.

Binky is a food genious!

Binky is a food genious!

Just reguler chocolate and potato chips please.  Im in favor of like making any kind of flaver combanatoin you can think of but I have to agree if your going to do it make it obvouis thats what your doing not just Oh this tastes like a Pringle. Otherwise just buy reguler Pringles and put them in a bowl and melt

Just reguler chocolate and potato chips please.  Im in favor of like making any kind of flaver combanatoin you can think of but I have to agree if your going to do it make it obvouis thats what your doing not just Oh this tastes like a Pringle. Otherwise just buy reguler Pringles and put them in a bowl and melt

Classes? haha!  Im barely aware of them even on reguler days!  I dont think I have to be in any big hurry to get to the bus other than I just want to see him as soon as possable!  Classes end at 1230 and then we have to clean so I can leave by 1 I think.  Not tutering tomorow so I dont have to worry about that.  It

Well to be totaly honest (and gross) im so nervous I feel like barfing! My stomack is realy blahbluhb! Thats the sound its making. Were going to eat pizza! Then go to my cousins. I want him all to myself for as long as possible before he meets them. My little cousins dont care there just barely aware of whats

Well tecnacally there not suposed to and some teachers kick there desks or slap there heads! I think afternoon naps are the best. When your afternoon sitting there lifesavers!

Everyones being pretty good I guess! People sleep in class more here. I dont think any of our teachers at SMS woud ever put up with that! Day after tomorow! Its lunch now but ill be back later to ask more about mole people!

He told me hed go with me but I dont know what hed eat!  Tomago sushi?  Thats fried egg.  I dont like it but that mihgt be his only choice!  Well cake cake and more cake!  I forgot to tell you we saw one of those places Sunday.  Its where EB and I can ride the bus to it to.  Were going to ride the bus together A LOT. 

He woud look so cute dressed like Tintin! A dark haired Tintin with more hair!

Lots of fish plus contrery to what I think they say in the BSC books I love sushi! This week seems long becase its Wednesday but if it was Thursday it woud seem short! How were the mole people? What do mole people do?

He just sent another short email that said he walked around for a little while and he wants Saturday to get here quickly!  I have to give him his first Choco Pie!  He does like sweets so thats a good thing.  But he never drinks sodas.  Haha!  I dont know what were going to do about the fish thing tho.  Its not going

Oh my lord Binky your so rihgt about how it woud be if my cousins were there.  EB is already VERY SHY.  I wonder if he woud have ever admited he liked me if we hadnt been talking with email and then skype.

Fleece pillowcases sound just perfect for winter.  There going to be so comfy and warm!  Im thinking Id go for the tomato ones but what are the other colors of your nest?  What is the Mole Poeple about?  People with moles?  Ok I found it!  Its about wierd monsters with giant eyes.  Do you know what I was looking for

Hes in Japan! Just after I wrote that comment I got an email but he doesnt have reguler internet. Oh my lord I am so emberesed! I went to find Mrs Grin becase I thought I was being tutered today (no tomorow) and told her hes here an even tho I was smiling my eyes just starting spilling LOTS of tears! I was wiping

Im not doing very well at ABC.  Binky I cant even think rihgt now.  I know Im not making any sinse at all.  But I dont care.  I wish I had another Tintin book to read.  Or more Misako Rocks!

Ok first things first!  I hope you did eat that cheese but its also a little sad becase if you ate it and dont remember it how do you know if you had that moment of enjoying it!  You probily did but thats one of the best things about eating!  The whole taste sensatoin of eating it!

Hes on his way NOW!

Tintin time!