Claudia Kishi BSC V-P

I realy dont think they brag about me much at all.  There not realy braggy people anyway but theres not realy as much to brag about with me as there is Janine.  I mean Ive won art awards but that doesnt happen as often as Janines acadamic awards.  The kinds of letters I go home from school with arent the ones you brag

Your shrine idea sounds fun!

I read the Tintin thin (even tho my thing is more TimTams).  And I saw your comments!  Im happy you found some Tintin fans to talk Tintin with!  Altho it didnt take long for someone to start complaning about Star Wars of all things!  Why?

What woud you put in your shrine?  What woud it look like?  I think thats a great idea!  And a lump of coal?  Realy?  Nowadays my stocking usualy has money or sometimes like socks or tihgts or something like that.  Or all of that!

Haha!  Oh and thanks Binky!  Im sure some of my freinds (not nameing names) woud disagree about the cheerful face thing but its nice to hear!

Oh yeah thats one of the fun things about the stocking!  When its all lumpy!  What did you usualy get in yours?  Mine woud have like a watercolor set or something or like Crayolas.  Unless it was the big set of Crayolas.  But Janine and I both got nuts and candy.  NO RAISINS!  Christmas is the one holiday our parents

Your always nice here tho!  Even when people say the worst things to you you usualy turn it into a joke and it ends up being something realy funny and cool!  I think thats one reason why so many people like your posts so much!

Theres one Pete and Pete Christmas episode!  Its a third season one and its ok but not realy one of my favorites.  Little Pete tries to keep Christmas alive after December 25th.  I think Ill watch it.  Im going to watch the Christmas specails online and probily show at least Charlie Brown to my homestay family.  There

There to far away to see them over the holidays but Im hoping to go in the spring!  I hope shes not feeling that way to.  Shes kind of moody.  But her mom is to.  But I guess that runs in the family becase I am to!  Im surprized she mentoined Santa becase even tho hes like a fun thing here there totaly Buddhists.  But

Ive never tried the neeling chairs!  I havent even seen one sense the tea ceramony.

They were very thin cushoins so they didnt pad much!  Haha!  There wasnt a heater tho.  It was actualy two long tables and we were in the tatami sectoin.  The rest of the restaraunt had like reguler booths.  But they wanted me to have the full experience!  So I feel pretty lucky!

We eat at just a regular table.  But I did go to a restaraunt that had low tables and we sat on cushons!  That was fun!  I want to go back.  They had photos in the menu and so much of it looked amazing!  I havent neeled or anything realy.  Like seiza?  I didnt do that at the restaraunt.  I just set with my legs

Yes Ive broken chains that way before!  But not anything that was valauable enouhg to repair or anything like that.  I wasnt happy but its still better than waking up with gum on your arm tho!

Oh cool!  Now you have a matching set!  They sound realy nice and stylish to!  Theres probily a 100 yen shop somewhere nearby (there always is) but I havent seen it yet.  I havent realy asked but maybe I will this weekend!  Im starting to get so exited for Christmas I cant realy think about anything else.  Ill get to

Thats what Im wondering!  Ok the suns up what do we do now?  Its not like there was suspinse or anything.  Like what if it doesnt come up will it be 2011 forever?  My guess is people just kind of look at it (but not directly) and then kind of nod and then just go home and eat breakfast?  Maybe?  What I want to do is

I hate to say I only know two places in Canada and thats Toronto and Vancuver.  Oh I know Camploops to.  So three places!

Well to be honest I dont know what thats like becase Ive only been to churches for weddings.  Well Lynns christening but thats all!  Is it boring?  I thouhgt it was like a lot of singing or something!

I lost that art studio!  I looked for it and coudnt find it!  The streets here are so confuseing.

Its a little of both!  Im looking foreward to summer here even tho its suposed to be very hot but theres that beach!  But Im also looking foreward to going home next fall.  Im hoping Ill be so busy this year I wont have time to think about how much I miss everyone!