Human J. Manperson

On the other hand, perhaps the traditionally sexist nature of appearance-bashing is ebbing just a little bit when Spicer gets mercilessly blasted for chewing gum and once wearing a suit a half-size too big, while no one mentions that Sanders doesn't seem to own a hair brush and appears to get her clothes from Sears.

Dont forget the massive welfare program that exists for former politicians of all parties: think tanks.

As long as mainstream Republicans mostly fall in line, he'll be fine. In such a close election, they ultimately are responsible for his victory. Even Nixon didn't resign until he realized that literally the entire party had turned against him, and that didn't happen until tape recordings came out that directly and

Christie was actually put in charge of the transition prior to the election, evidently because Kushner didn't really think Daddy Dearest was going to win, so it didn't matter. Then as soon as Trump won, Kushner had Christie fired, weeks of work shit-canned, and anyone Christie had recommended blackballed.

It took a while, but even Richard Nixon was eventually accepted by conventional wisdom as something resembling a Senior Statesman.

But that's only the governing he doesn't like. Autocratic shit like this, he loves.

My money's on Dinesh D'Souza.

Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Hudson, Fantasia Barrino, among others. A lot bigger results than Major Bowes, and The Gong Show, maybe comparable to Arthur Godfrey. Star Search ultimately produced more stars, but it's hard to make a direct comparison because that show had more overall contestants and

I believe the taping started at almost the same time the Comey news came out, so it will be interesting to see if they managed to shoehorn it into the proceedings.

Do those of us who pointed that out within minutes of the original article being published get anything other than smug vindication? I'll take a coupon for a free Dilly Bar or something.

The Jackson thing was not declared obscene, it was declared "indecent." By FCC rules, that's a much lower standard than obscenity, but it still is not allowed to be aired on broadcast stations before 10pm local time.

Name three things you'd never want in your living room.

Depends on how much they pay for it. If Fremantle is taking a haircut off what they were charging Fox, then maybe.

If you thought Marty was hot, wait until you see him 30 years later!

In this era of diffuse interests and zero album sales, "substantial careers" is graded on a curve.

I don't think those attributes are mutually exclusive or contradictory.

I think the argument would be that even though Simmons does not personally consider being assumed trans as a negative, there are consumers who would and that would affect his reputation. Of course, the fact that he implicitly would desire the approval/patronage of such people somewhat belies the careful wording of

That's a little misleading. By law, Obama was required to appoint a Republican to that particular slot. It's not like Pai was his first choice.

Exactly. Look at Breitbart (and I'm talking about the original site started by Andrew Breitbart, not the White Power shit Steve Bannon made it into after Breitbart died). Every story was some form of This Democrat is Stupid, This Democrat is a Hypocrite, and The Media Hates Republicans. There was no actual