Human J. Manperson

That would definitely be "Yes, Always." Apocalypse Now at least had general cultural awareness. The Pinky & the Brain cartoon was made before the Welles recording was posted on the Internet, so there were probably just a few hundred people in the entire country (all adults) who were intimately familiar with it.

That he stole from Emmett Kelly.

Surely anyone who signed onto that project pretty much knew what they were getting into. I wonder more about things like Alec Baldwin's "Just because I'm an ignorant black man" scene on 30 Rock, which was riding an incredibly fine line. Was everyone on set entirely comfortable when that scene was being filmed?

Evidently there are legal issues keeping the film from ever being legally completed. It's arguable whether Lewis really experienced pangs of conscience or is just being a bit dramatic, as he is wont to do.

He can ask the Fireman's union or 7-Eleven to help him out. They're good friends.

I was shocked it has some solid cinematograhpy. That behind-the-scenes documentary that was unearthed a few years back made it look like the whole movie consisted of stolen shots from an abandoned warehouse.

Lard Lad!

With the-bubbles and the-druggin' and the haaaaaaaaaawwww…
*furious eye rolling and head bobbing*

I keep my Edd Byrnes coin in a safe.

The tails side of the Spock coin should be Evil-Spock-With-a-Goatee.

You're Gorn-a love it!

This edition of Quiz Bowl has been a public service of the A.V. Club.

You thought your plumbing was safe / but your jeans were half-mast

I need two Emeralds and a Yellow Brick.

I've gotten really tired of people who still make an inevitable joke immediately after a prominent Gaga appearance that "she actually looked normal last night, yuk-yuk!" Yes, because this isn't 2010.

It was the Joey the Lemur of the Mike era.

Box Office Poison!

They are pretty, pretty… pretty good.

I've always thought "Bless My Happy Home" would make for some good high school pep band music. Uptempo, not to hard to play, got a good woodwind countermelody.

Purity of Essence