Mandatory Streep.
Mandatory Streep.
"You mean I'm going to stay this hairless?"
I'm in the Midwest… Chicago area where it's either classic rock or smatterings of the horrendous bands mentioned above. The "modern" rock station here still plays Nookie. There are about 8 classic rock stations, I shit you not. If I hear Dream On again, I think I'll shoot myself.
Maybe this isn't so bad! Anything that might push Theory of a Dead Man or Five Finger Death Punch off the radio works for me.
Watched some heartbreaking and uplifting media over the weekend. Most heartbreaking: the Packers vs. Atlanta game. I guess it's their time and nothing is going to stop them. Atlanta's going to win the Super Bowl, I don't doubt it.
It doesn't matter, but it's distracting as fuck. I'm not about to start saying boogiepersons! Or chesspersons… or frogpersons… or madpersons,.. yeopersons… Nope, not gonna do it.
Neil Gaiman… Howard Stern's long lost twin?
Book was good, with some true laugh-out-loud moments.
I saw a trailer for this and it screamed John Wick ripoff.
All that guy really needs to do is get divorced. The lawyers, the hearings, the drawn out misery… it will either turn him off to it forever or give him the ultimate sploosh.
The Underminer!
Yeah I'm not too worried about Captain America becoming a symbol of evil. It's bizarre but hey, he's been in Dimension Z and that's a bit bizarre too. Captain America has been around for what… 70 years or something like that? There are probably only so many stories you can tell, and him turning bad is going to be…
and Doctor Strange.
If you're into comics, take a look at Kieron Gillen's Vader series.
Not sure if werewolf dicks have been addressed previously in any werewolf movie. Evidently Blood Wars has so much going for it that it was raised (har!) here.
Danny McBride brought a whole new beer-gut aesthetic to the beloved webslinger.
I think he signed that Rotten Tomatoes petition.
Music videos perhaps? Rob Zombie.
Definitely. The Macmillan Audio version has different voice actors for different part so it's easy to follow. The reverse button is always there if you've missed something.
It's hard to stay on top of books… it really is. I've found that books on CD are the answer. I've bought so many books because I've heard they're great but… wound up finding them on the audiobook shelf at the library (The Hot Kid, Cleopatra: A Life, The Bone Clocks, American Gods, Neverwhere, Good Omens, The Strain…