Happy Helmet

The best/only thing about The Watchmen movie: Jackie Earle Haley as Rorshach. Doubt anyone else could do it better

One more for Gregory Peck: Captain Ahab

Maybe this one will feature more than 6 minutes of actual Godzilla.

The explanation is simple: everyone who already bought a C3PO now has to go out and buy another one.

See also: The Golden Child


Could barely get through this… should be called FTYA, Fear the Young Adults.

He must also include some emphatic pointing and finger-steepling with his creepy and spider-like digits.

Hey, if we Americans think it's racist then it is the world's job to accept it.

I'd always thought Dr. Strangelove was a Fail Safe parody but it turns out both films were created at the same time.

I remember reading something somewhere about how that consipiracy theory actually saved a few lives. After Kurt ended his life there were a number of depressed teens that were on the verge of doing themselves in as well. Quite a few of them were saved by the idea that Courtney did it.

**Minor spoilers ahead**

Immediately thought about that Primus song when I saw the headline. Always wondered if it was about Courtney. I really feel sorry for Frances… and frankly I'm surprised she's made it this far. Hope she makes it and doesn't go the way of Bobbi Kristina Brown.

That's funny! I remember a family that tricked their little daughter into seeing "Drag Me to Hell."

You're overestimating the power of the President. If Trump gets elected, he'll find himself facing a Congress in which NEITHER SIDE will do anything to support his plans or policies. My guess is that we'll get 4 years of a blowhard that can't enact anything of substance. It will be a shameful and embarassing 4

That was a priceless "What?" from Rick. Being covered in someone else's blood is just another day at the office for Ole Rick.

So who's the TWD equivalent of Donnie?

"… you know they're soldiers of fortune… helpin' people in need…"

Sexy assassins are cliche too but I keep watching them for some odd reason.

Seeing Elektra… twin sighs… dammit I had something for this.