Just saw this over the weekend. Amazing. The gripping photography and sense of dread carried kind of a True Detective Season 1 vibe to it.
Just saw this over the weekend. Amazing. The gripping photography and sense of dread carried kind of a True Detective Season 1 vibe to it.
Saw Zorro - The Gay Blade as a kid. Didn't get it, but I think that's ok.
See also Zorro - The Gay Blade. As a kid, I thought Zorro's brother was just a funny man.
Good use of rock music in a movie does it for me. When I was a kid seeing Flash Gordon in the theater, I was awestruck by the raid on the War Rocket Ajax by Voltan and his hawkmen with Queen blazing in the background. "Prepare for boarders!" and the crashing drums and guitars that followed… still fires me up.
He was in Inglorious Bastards as…. wait for it… a Nazi soldier. A short scene but he was great in it. You can google him and find any number of articles where he's vowed "no more nazis."
Yes, that does make sense. Should have googled that.
The question on everyone's minds: what will Dorian do (WWDD?)??
Thought there could be 2 full moons, hence "once in a blue moon."
Listen to the Arcangel version of Macbeth on CD. The voicework is amazing and intense. Trust me, it jumps.
John Clare wouldn't rip the head off of Dorian, that's not the way he operates. Victor's first monster is all about suffering. He'll rip the head off someone Dorian cares about. Not Lily, obviously. So that leaves us with the tragic transexual. Maybe that's why we are forced to watch this tangential and pointless…
Not sure I could accept Magda in a horror movie.
I think there have been flashbacks of him looking at a wound on his hand w/ a certain sense of dread. He might not know what his condition is, but I think he knows it was that bite that cursed him. Also, in Season 1 he showed some sympathetic abilities with the wolves in the zoo. I think he knows he was cursed with…
Just finished the series today. Basically binge-watched the last 8 episodes. Don't think I've ever seen something as emotionally draining. Spartacus was a gem I happened upon out of chance and found to be absolutely incredible.
Never realized until now that the blind daughter's name is Lavinia. That does not bode well… but then again, it's Penny Dreadful and things should be foreboding.
Top Ten Chapter Names from the Mike Tyson Autobiography:
#8 Dating and Boxing: Drawing the Fine Line
#1 Excuse Me Sir, Is this Your Spleen?
"We owe everything to Flash."
It's determining your power/aptitude w/ the Force with a blood test. Blood tests are for checking cholesterol, they shouldn't be for checking your potential w/ the Force.
Went to see It Follows. All the opinions about the overbearing soundtrack, disappointing ending, but effective sense of dread have been mentioned several times. I'm guessing all the critical raves stem from the new approach and careful camera work. I think the case was the same for Blair Witch Project, not that…
30 hapless actors died to make this trailer.