
@avclub-0806ebf2ee5c90a0ca0fd59eddb039f5:disqus : yeah, that line was bad. But to be fair, I have felt that way about books before.

@avclub-0806ebf2ee5c90a0ca0fd59eddb039f5:disqus : yeah, that line was bad. But to be fair, I have felt that way about books before.

<3 <3 <3

<3 <3 <3

YAY!!! I love the Twain talk on the board and have missed it. Hmm! Hah? Heh!

YAY!!! I love the Twain talk on the board and have missed it. Hmm! Hah? Heh!

Oooh! V. interesting. I haven't watched much past this point — I'm about halfway through S4 — but I'm super interested to see how this comes back up.

Oooh! V. interesting. I haven't watched much past this point — I'm about halfway through S4 — but I'm super interested to see how this comes back up.

I feel like I have some weird mystery crush on Garak. HOW DOES HE DO IT?!

I feel like I have some weird mystery crush on Garak. HOW DOES HE DO IT?!

YAY IT'S THE MALCONTENT!!! I'm so glad to be back here!!!!!

YAY IT'S THE MALCONTENT!!! I'm so glad to be back here!!!!!

YAY!!! I'm finally caught up enough to comment on the reviews!!!!

YAY!!! I'm finally caught up enough to comment on the reviews!!!!

So, a discarded TOS script that was too cheesy or boring for air, filmed by amateur Trekkie actors … what could possibly go wrong!?

Which is why Picard did it all the time. AW YEAH.

The affordable part isn't even really true anymore. Also it's now mostly full of yuppies and bakeries. Not that I think that's bad; I live in Davis Square for pete's sake.

@avclub-ee0fbae41b96c8e0ffbc0f8466290c5a:disqus , as a Louisiana native who's lived in Boston for 12+ years, I'd say that's mostly right, except that Louisiana is … different than the rest of the south. We just have lots of different types of folks and I think it leads to a more laissez-faire (heh) attitude about