
Mind rape and physcial rape
"the idea of someone who could just rifle through your brain and force his way into one of your memories is a painful one"


Hey! A moth equipped with a lightning bug!

Self-cleaning mutant! leave only the fresh scent of pine.

Oh, Miss Interociter!

Remember, we're parked in the Denebrian Slime Devil lot.

They're really in to Yes on this planet!

Hah! I win!

I felt like there was a joke in there somewhere about a RGIS employee stealing a fake historian from the future-past, but I couldn't make it work.

Space Drugs are also bad, but we covered that in The Game.

Our chair technology is light years ahead of yours!

Swishy door openings are like the 24th century version of "I said GOOD DAY!"

Clearly, the beam was Unbendable.

One of my favorite things about the sci-fi genre is the way it reflects so strongly currents of culture and feelings on a large scale for the time in which it's written. Sci-fi seems to give it's audience a current allegorical snapshot better than other genres of fiction. Or maybe I'm just a nerd.

Hero Worship has probably the only scene that includes Wesley Crusher that I don't absolutely hate.

Probably about as entertaining as Patch Adams. So, the former.

You called them "bone-headed moves"
and I laughed, thinking you were making a forehead-ridges joke.

Yeah, Cajun, New Orleans'll do that to you.

I have no regrets
But that is a human expression.

Yeah, Wesley leaves Star Fleet to become a Traveler. There's gotta be good Space Cash in that, right?