
Odan favors unreasonably huge subsidies to the Brain Slug planet.

"Yeah, you can wear any host, but I made that Trill look GOOD."

"After lengthy femputations, I, Femputer, have decided the fate of the men. Femputer sentences them to death … by snu-snu!"

"On the other hand, you kiss a dude with a bumpy forehead, god only knows what diseases you'll wake up with in the morning."

Damn Mr. James, you're 2 for 2.

This is TNG, so it's just overstun..

St. God, The Outcast has one of the most uncomfortable TNG scenes ever, when Riker (I think) basically has to explain human sexuality. It's … just awful. I'm pretty sure that's the episode, anyway.

Raymond, I agree. I think that Picard also respects Worf's style as well, and their mutual respect and growing professional relationship is a cool little story arc throughout the season.

It's not the most subtle thing ever, but in re-watching the Drumhead a few weeks ago, I was really struck by how relevant the themes still were. It's worth a re-watch.

Dogstyle, I agree. The episode was already silly and played for laughs, having the women get to kick some kind of ass would have been nice. I'll just have to wait for Ensign Ro for that.

I always thought the ep where Data is stolen to be a part of that guy's "Only One In The Universe" collection was kinda dark, since Data kinda goes crazy. But I might be giving it too much credit.

Half A Life is both a good Lwaxana ep and a good ep in general. I think it's one example of showcasing a moral problem without a super easy solution (or, one in which both sides have a good argument). Also, the ep softens Lwaxana a bunch. I think it helps her be more of a character and less of a caricature. She's

I dunno, when he tells Q to die, his comedic timing is pretty spot on.

weaseltease: as I love both shows, that is currently my favorite blog ever.


Gurl we had talked about that last week. Yeah, that scene was messed up. Also, the lizard-pope aliens in that ep were SUPER creepy.

Nor "bear," I presume. Especially when paired with BJ.

Prettypants, me too! I just watched it yesterday and still got chills. Like Zach said, that scene is basically filler, but it's one of my like Top 15 fave TNG scenes. It's very fun and creepy. Plus I love when Geordi gets all "I can fix it!"

"Next week: Probably the worst Q episode of TNG and then a courtroom drama episode right up there with "The Measure of a Man" (if not even better than that one). A C-/D+ and an A-?"

There will be no Golden Girls hate in my presence! Picture it!!!