Sean Coffee

We were trying different things
We were smoking funny things…

Joker's Wild
When people say "I'll go off the board and say…" when they're making an unusual choice, who even remembers that it comes from Joker's Wild? How does a syndicated, afternoon gameshow produce a meme everyone knows? (Only having three networks to choose from at the time probably helped.)

Dax Shepherd…
…really did come out of nowhere. Although, I did see him on a Dinner For Five and remember thinking that he wasn't the total tool I assumed he was.

With So Many Resources…
How is it possible that movies have gotten this bad? Because they really, really stink right now. It's not like people don't know how to tell stories anymore — it's just the movies (and Hollywood movies in particular) that seem to have lost the thread.

How is Silverado flawed in any way?

Just wondering: Did Superman always wear those tights? I've never heard of Superman.

How did you say it? Yippe kai yay. Motherfuck.

Easily your best work in the series so far, and not just because I agree with your assessment that the movie is underrated.

My favorite quote about Palin…
…comes from Colbert: Sarah Palin is a fucking retard.

Oh. THAT I Am Legend
I've seen this story three times, and each time I thought, "Damn. That Brad Pitt movie with Aidan Quinn made a TON of money for the time.

I could have watched Jerry and Larry talk in that booth for the whole half hour.

So instead of going to a hotel…
…or my houseboat, which I cannot find…

No! You do not wear shorts on a plane!

Much as I like Fringe, I think they're a little hamstrung by Fox's mandate for standalone episodes, and by the need for their mythology to make complete sense.